JS Xero - Board Review

JS Xero - Board Review

Check out the JS Xero PU and Xero HyFi 2.0

Demo Surfboards Available! All HyFi 2.0 - 5'9 26.9L, 5'10 28.4L, 5'11 30.1L, 6'0 - 31.9L, 6'1 - 33.4L, 6'2 35.2L


The JS Xero is the medium size wave tackling, high performance all-rounder in their range and is the kind of board you can keep in the car and ride 95% of the time in Newcastle. As a fairly high-performance shape its designed for intermediate surfers up to get the most out of the board. On the scheme of modern boards, the Xero doesn’t have a wide nose so you’ll need to be a reasonable paddler or make use of the Easy Rider dimensions to cram in a few extra litres. It’s available in PU or HyFi construction – HyFi’s are lighter, tougher, more lively in smaller waves and more expensive.

The review part – I really like my Xero, it's extremely easy to ride due to it's speed, predictability and responsiveness. I'm a bit stumped for what else to say, it just goes great and is a classic all-rlounder.

Recommended Conditions

2 – 5ft (2 – 10ft faces)

That’s the range it will do its best work I, but a good surfer will have no trouble getting it going in 1ft waves, especially with a more upright fin selection. If your surfing level is more intermediate then a chunkier, specialty groveller is your best bet in those conditions for some extra speed-generating help.


  • An overall low to flat rocker to create speed and drive in smaller to medium waves
  • Medium to full performance-based rails developed from the Monsta Box. These allow for responsiveness and precision when a good section comes your way, but have enough volume to carry you through dead sections and avoid getting caught in chop
  • Single to double concave using the JS ‘reverse concave’ shape which is deeper under the front foot and shallower at each end of the board which they have found to be the fastest set-up creating the maximum water flow

Fin Set-Up

I’m using Medium FCSII H4’s in my Xero which are my favourite fin and the go-to in any all-round shortboards. The Xero has a fairly typical tail width so start off with your favourite set of thrusters and adjust from there if needed. And if you haven’t experimented with fins, don’t have a go-to set, and are more confused than Rich Kelly writing website code - just get a set of FCS Performers or Futures F4/F6/F8’s – they’re the middle of the road, balanced set in each range and you can’t go wrong.

Like all fin set-ups there is no right and wrong and personal preference matters. We all surf differently and put weight in different places so why should we all like the same fins? If in doubt come grab some of our demo sets and see what works best for you!

Written By: Tim Dickson

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