Our goal for the Sandman project was to develop a board that would make surfing easier for the 'normal' person, but also has the versatility to be used as a semi step-up board for the more regular surfer
- Stock Glassing (4+4/4oz)
- Medium to low rocker
- Single to double concave
- Rounded pin tail
- Thruster, 3 Fin
Darren designed the Sandman with the wide point moved forward 2 inches and the deck rolled into a sleek medium low rail.
This design provides easy paddling without losing the signature DHD performance. The rounded pin tail allows smooth rail to rail surfing, the slight single to double concave with a flat entry rocker generates the speed that you are looking for.
Glassing — Standard ( 4 x 4 x 4)
Rocker — Flat entry rocker into a slight tail lift.
Concave — Slight Single into slight Double Concave
Tail — Round tail